Monday, 6 October 2014

Back for good?!...

So here we are again, It has been an awfully long time since i have wrote anything here... too long. Things have all been a bit of a roller coaster , but I will get to that one day. I have decided that this is going to be like my journal for me to rant and post all the usually blogish stuff about haha.

Recently I have seen myself change as a person and not entirely in a good way, I need to start to focus on what is best for me and not what others seem to think is best... cause at the end of the day the only person that should be happy is yourself and right now that is not happening... but I found something that makes me happy... ;)

Yup I am still a sucker for shopping haha, I know that was just a total turn of events but things take time to be able to express so I will take my time.

I'm loving that it is coming back to the winterish months it is my favourite (ain't a big summer fan) it means I can wear as much black as possible and no one can judge me :P as you can see....

For a kinda bigger girl it is the thing I am most comfortable in, and you can never go wrong with a bit of tartan... these are all hughstreet purchases ranging from £10 - £40 max which in my book is pretty damn good :) I will be styling these pieces at a later date, probably won't be that long till they are up :)

That is all from me the now short and sweet :) until the next time which I hope won't be a year... haha

Natalie xo

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